Problem: 497 - Strategic Defense Initiative
Description: Longest Increasing Subsequence
Description: Longest Increasing Subsequence
/* Algorithm: Longest Increasing Seq. Complexity: nlgn */ #include<stdio.h> #include<limits.h> #include<string.h> #include<stdlib.h> #define S 100000 int R[S]={0};/*Generated Table*/ int A[S] = {0};/*Input data*/ int Indx[S]= {0}; /*Index of the Table Element*/ int Pre[S]={0}; /*Previous Element*/ void Print(int i){ if ( i == 0) return; else { Print(Pre[i]); printf("%d\n",A[i]); } return; } /*Complexity lg2^N*/ int BS(int v,int s,int e){ int mid=0; while(s<=e){ mid = s+((e-s)/2); if (v<=R[mid]){ if(R[mid-1]<v) break; e = mid-1; } else if (v>R[mid]){ if(R[mid+1]>=v){mid= mid+1;break;} s = mid+1; } } return mid; } int main(){ int i,v=0; int rc; int s,e,mid;/*Binary Search*/ int N,C=0; char ch[10]; /*freopen("","r",stdin);*/ A[0]=R[0] = INT_MIN; Indx[0] = 0; scanf("%d",&N); getchar(); gets (ch); while(1){ rc=1; i=1; while(gets(ch) && strlen(ch)){ A[i] = atoi(ch); v = A[i]; if(v>R[rc-1]){ R[rc] = v; Indx[rc] = i; Pre[i] = Indx[rc-1]; rc++; } else if(v<R[rc-1]){/*Binary Search*/ mid = BS(v,1,rc-1); R[mid] = v; Indx[mid]= i; Pre[i] = Indx[mid-1]; } i++; } printf("Max hits: %d\n",rc-1); i = Indx[rc-1]; Print(i); C++; if(C==N) break; printf("\n"); for(i=1;i<=N;i++) Pre[i]=0,Indx[i]=0,R[i]=0; } return 0; }
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