At first glance, we think about the below algorithm
1. take input x
2. r[i] = x%2;
3. x = x/2
4. do above steps until x =0
the complexity of this algorithm is O(lgn) , where n = decimal number.
Now, we can replace the % and / sign by bitwise operator. How?
x = 1011
Objective: take last one bit into r[i]
x = 1011
AND 1 --- > r[i]
x = 1011
just make a right shift, we get
x = (101)
Although the complexity of this algorithm is O(lgn).
Would we reduce this complexity into O(1)!!!!!! Yes. We can reverse the bits of a number in O(1) if we know the size of the number. We can implement it using look up table.
Now your task is to use paper and pencil to analysis this code.
1. take input x
2. r[i] = x%2;
3. x = x/2
4. do above steps until x =0
the complexity of this algorithm is O(lgn) , where n = decimal number.
#include<cstdio> using namespace std; int main(){ int x,i; bool r[32]={0}; // think about 32 bits number printf("Enter a decimal Number: "); scanf("%d",&x); i = 0; while(x){ r[++i] = x%2; x =x/2; } printf("Result: "); while(i){ printf("%d",r[i--]); } return 0; }
Now, we can replace the % and / sign by bitwise operator. How?
x = 1011
Objective: take last one bit into r[i]
x = 1011
AND 1 --- > r[i]
x = 1011
just make a right shift, we get
x = (101)
#include<cstdio> using namespace std; int main(){ int x,i; bool r[32]={0}; // think about 32 bits number printf("Enter a decimal Number: "); scanf("%d",&x); i = 0; while(x){ r[++i] = x&1; x =x>>1; } printf("Result: "); while(i){ printf("%d",r[i--]); } return 0; }
Although the complexity of this algorithm is O(lgn).
Would we reduce this complexity into O(1)!!!!!! Yes. We can reverse the bits of a number in O(1) if we know the size of the number. We can implement it using look up table.
#include<stdio.h> int main(){ int x=0,tx,c,flag; printf("Enter a number : "); scanf("%d",&x); x = ((x&0xAAAAAAAA) >> 1)| ((x& 0x55555555)<<1); x = ((x&0xCCCCCCCC) >> 2)| ((x& 0x33333333)<<2); x = ((x&0xF0F0F0F0) >> 4) | ((x& 0x0F0F0F0F)<<4); x = ((x&0xFF00FF00) >> 8) | ((x& 0x00FF00FF)<<8); x = x >> 16 | x<< 16; printf("Result: "); tx = x; c = 32; flag = 1; while(c--){ if (flag ==0) { if (tx&1) printf("1"); else printf("0"); } else{ if (tx&1){ flag = 0; printf("1"); } } tx = tx>>1; } return 0; }
Now your task is to use paper and pencil to analysis this code.
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