Uva 103 Stacking Boxes

Nov 21, 2009

Problem: Download

Background Study

Input: Given a sequence
Output: The longest subsequence of the given sequence such that all values in this longest subsequence is strictly increasing/decreasing.
DP solution for LIS problem: Complexity O(N^2) (this code check for increasing values):
Example of LIS height sequence: 1,6,2,3,5
length initially: [1,1,1,1,1] - because max length is at least 1 rite...
Predecessor initially: [nil,nil,nil,nil,nil] - assume no predecessor so far
We can reconstruct the solution using recursion and predecessor array.
Reference: "Art of Programming Contest, C programming | Data Structure | Algorithms" , "Ahmed Shamsul Arefin", 2nd Edition.

Another Alogrithm:

Implementation in C:
Implementation in C++:
Faster Algorithm
There's also an O(nlogn) solution based on some observations. Let Ai,j be the smallest possible tail out of all increasing subsequences of length j using elements a1,a2,a3,...,an
Observe that, for any particular i, Ai,1<Ai,2<...<Ai,jThis suggests that if we want the longest subsequence that ends with ai + 1, we only need to look for a j such that Ai,j < ai + 1 < = Ai,j + 1 and the length will be j + 1.
Notice that in this case, Ai + 1,j + 1 will be equal to ai + 1, and all Ai + 1,k will be equal to Ai,k for K !=j+1.
Furthermore, there is at most one difference between the set Ai and the set Ai + 1, which is caused by this search. Since A is always ordered in increasing order, and the operation does not change this ordering, we can do a binary search for every single a1,a2,...,an.

Solution Of the above ACM Problem

1. First Sort dimensions for each box.
2. Then sort the individual box, corresponding sorting the position of that box.
3. Now apply the LIS[least Increasing Sequence]. In LIS, the parent box is save in parent[] array.
4. From the Maximum value of inside[] array we find last box which is include Large box sequence.
5. Then By applying Backtracing algorithm we find reverse large sequence in an arr[].
6. Reverse the array
7. Then we find the corresponding box number.
8. If we use 0 index , then print the box number adding 1 to show the output.

Code in C/C++: (1)

Detail Description of the code:
8 6
5 2 20 1 30 10
23 15 7 9 11 3
40 50 34 24 14 4
9 10 11 12 13 14
31 4 18 8 27 17
44 32 13 19 41 19
1 2 3 4 5 6
80 37 47 18 21 9

Step 1:
Sort each box Dimension :data[i][0…5] [i=0…7]
1 2 5 10 20 30 -->Box no -1
3 7 9 11 15 23
4 14 24 34 40 50
9 10 11 12 13 14
4 8 17 18 27 31
13 19 19 32 41 44
1 2 3 4 5 6
9 18 21 37 47 80 -->box No 8

Step 2:
Sort each box:
Position--> box sorted dimension
6-->1 2 3 4 5 6
0-->1 2 5 10 20 30
1-->3 7 9 11 15 23
4-->4 8 17 18 27 31
2-->4 14 24 34 40 50
3-->9 10 11 12 13 14
7-->9 18 21 37 47 80
5-->13 19 19 32 41 44

Now LIS Algorithm:
Do Yourself…
Note: parent help us to determin when increase the value of inside [] element value….
Let you find
Inside[]= 1 1 2 3 3 2 4 4
Par[]= -1 -1 0 2 2 0 3 3

So max 4 which position 7 or 6
7-> parent of 7 is 3 -> parent of 3 is 2 -> parent of 2 is 0 -> parent of 0 is unknown -1 break
Reverse Sequence: 7->3->2->0
Sequence: 0->2->3->7
We now from position array: position[0]+1 ->position[2]+1->position[3]+1->position[7]+1
RESEULT: 7->2->5->6

Code in C/C++: (2)
Code in Java:
Thank You.

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